More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


I am an unvaccinated child, almost 74 years of age...

"I am an unvaccinated child, almost 74 years of age. I have two brothers, aged 70 and 76, neither of which was subjected to vaccination. None of us have had any serious disease or has spent time in a hospital. I have never had a flu shot or any other kind of shot. Good health is first of all a gift of God, but it is also greatly dependent on how we care for our bodies. Part of that care is insuring that there is no defilement of the blood stream."

Reported cases:
vaccindamage database

New Children Book!

Sarah english 300 Sarah spanisch 300 Sarah franz 300 Sara ital 300 Sarah russisch 300 Sarah dutch

 VaccineFreebookcoverimageVida sin vacunas cover 150



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