More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


Vaccine damages and vaccine reactions Hepatitis vaccination III

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Preexisting conditions


Vaccine reaction/Side effects of the vaccine


S.W., female


EngerixB adult

After the first vaccination problems in the intestinal tract (I rarely have that), 48 hours after the vaccination flu infection. Approx. 3 weeks after the vaccination: bruises when I bump myself (never noticed that before)

2nd vaccination: intestinal problems again approx. 48 hours after the vaccination, during the next months I keep getting flu like infections (despite it being spring and summer and otherwise low level of susceptibility to infections)

3rd vaccination: I refused it. Quite a few of my colleagues were off sick from work frequently in the first 6 months after the second vaccination (higher level of susceptibility to infections). I myself now am suffering from lichen sclerosis and see a connection to the vaccination.


A.S., 17.11.1977, female



Ten days after a job-related TBE vaccination I had generalized muscle and joint pain, redness on my skin which seemed to wander and overly sensitive skin. 21 days after the vaccination I had an ANA titer which was 1:320, which continued to climb to 1: 1280, which is where it remained three years ago, seven days after the vaccination. Diagnosis mainly undifferentiated collagenosis.
A few weeks prior the ANA-Titer had been 1: 80 and still normal Because the ANA titer obviously was rising 21 days after the vaccination and HBV is proven to be able to cause a certain kind of collagenosis, approx 30% of all patients with HBV infections have ANA titers and at the time comparable cases had been reported, the documentation of the case was perfect. Vaccine damage seemed to be very probably for me, from the beginning.

However, in accordance with the infection protection act, the vaccine damage was not recognized until 2005, it was not recognized as a work accident (in accordance with SGB VII) not until 2009.


Because the vaccination series was stopped immediately and I had a cortisone therapy, my condition improved so much that I am not incapacitated for work which is why I do not receive or need a pension. If I had had the follow-up vaccination it would probably be a different matter. At any rate I know several people who had comparable symptoms after the first vaccination and who were very sick with each follow-up vaccination, up to and including a full case of collagenosis.


M.S., 10.12.1983, female



Hi there, with me it started with itchiness to days after the vaccination, burning eyes, bad breath, nigh sweats, fever, fatigue, aggressiveness, eczema, tiredness, pain in my joints (arms and legs), cribbling in my hands and feet (extreme). After spending 4 days in bed I felt somewhat better so that I did not worry about the vaccination anymore and thought that the side effects would subside. Well, that is what I though!!! After one week with the CRIBBLING in my arms and legs and increasing impaired vision on my right eye I consulted the doctor who had administered the shot and explained my afflictions to him. He was unable to help and said that I should not worry and that it would subside and that he did not know what was wrong with me. 4 weeks later and even more fear I changed doctors and found one who took me seriously who sent me to a neurologist. The neurologist is going to test my spinal fluid in 2 weeks because MS can be excluded. I am not taking any medications presently except for magnesium and I would like to ask all people who have experienced something similar if they would please describe their experiences to me via email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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