More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


Our son (3 1/2) has not had any vaccines...

Our son (3 1/2) has not had any vaccines.  It was a difficult decision for me because I had been vaccinated, but my husband had been researching and reading about vaccine injuries.  We have a happy, very articulate, inquisitive little boy with fabulous health.  When he does get sick, he gets over it very quickly. We allow him time to let his body heal and don't give him tylenol.   We are able to get rid of ear infections using lymphatic massage and chiropractic treatments.  He has been adjusted by our chiropractor every week since he was 4 days old.  I am thankful that we learned about not vaccinating.

Reported cases:
vaccindamage database

New Children Book!

Sarah english 300 Sarah spanisch 300 Sarah franz 300 Sara ital 300 Sarah russisch 300 Sarah dutch

 VaccineFreebookcoverimageVida sin vacunas cover 150



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